Enforcement Directorate has carried out search operation in connection with the illegal sand mining case at Mohali, Ludhiana, Rupnagar, Fatehgarh Sahib and Pathankot in Punjab. The searches were conducted at the business and residential premises of the accused persons and their associates including Kudratdeep Singh, Pinjore Royalty Company and its Partners Kanwarmahip Singh and others as well as Providers Overseas Consultants Pvt Ltd and it’s other Directors and shareholders including Bhupinder Singh and Sandeep Kumar.
The ED in a statement said that during the course of search operation, various incriminating documents related to sand mining business, property transactions, mobile phones, Indian currency of more than 10 crore rupees and Gold worth above 21 lakhs rupees were seized.
ED initiated money laundering investigation on
the basis of FIR registered by Police Station - Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, Punjab, under various sections of Indian Penal Code and Section of Mines and Minerals (Regulation of Development) Act, 1957. In the FIR, it was mentioned that a team comprising of officials of Mining Department, Civil Administration and Police Department made a surprise check in March 2018 on the basis of a complaint received at the Police Station - Rahon, SBS Nagar regarding illegal sand mining.
Consequently, it was found that several mines were being excavated by various machines and mining was being carried out beyond the designated area. The ED said that on the basis of information available, investigation was initiated against these accused to ascertain the money laundering activities undertaken by them for laundering their proceeds of crime.It said, further Investigation in this case is ongoing.