Srinagar: Enforcement Directorate, (ED) on Tuesday carried out search operations at 10 locations in Srinagar, Budgam, Kupwara and Anantnag districts in Jammu and Kashmir. The search operations conducted against the educational consultancies for arranging admission of J&K students for various professional courses in Pakistan-based colleges, institutions and universities.
As per the statement, ED said that search operations was carried out under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA). The agency
said investigation initiated on the basis of FIR registered under various sections of UA(P) Act, IPC, and chargesheet filed by Counter Intelligence Kashmir, Srinagar.
The ED said persons who were involved accumulating funds for terror activities on the pretext of admission of J&K students in Pakistan.
The agency said, as of now, one Crore have been determined and six people have been identified, who had been admitted to various institutions in Pakistan by such elements.