The Enforcement Directorate (ED) named RJD chief Lalu Prasad Yadav's daughter Misa Bharti and her husband in a supplementary charge-sheet filed in Delhi's Patiala House Court in connection with over Rs.8000 crore money laundering case. The chargesheet filed under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) will be considered by the court on February 5.
The move comes the day CBI Special Court of the Central Bureau of Investigation in Ranchi is expected to pronounce the verdict in the in Bihar's fodder scam, in which Lalu Prasad Yadav is an accused.
The agency had filed this supplementary charge-sheet before the court on January
ED was pulled up by the court for filing supplementary charge-sheet again, 'By filing supplementary charge-sheet whole trail getting disturbed,' the court said.
The ED had in July 2017 had filed a supplementary chargesheet against Bhartis chartered accountant Rajesh Agrawal in connection with the case in which it named around 35 accused, including businessmen brothers Surendra Jain and Virendra Jain and some companies. Agrawal was accused of converting black money into legal source of income through dubious transactions with the help of Surendra Kumar Jain and his brother Virendra Jain -- known as Jain brothers.