The Enforcement Directorate (ED) has summoned Chief Minister of Jharkhand Hemant Soren today in the connection with Army land scam case. Earlier, CM Soren had requested the central agency to provide a different date. Mr Soren was earlier summoned on August 14 by the Directorate. CM Soren has been summoned twice by the central probe agency in two different cases so far.
Earlier, the ED had summoned him on November 2 last year in 2022. The agency had questioned CM Soren for
more than 10-long hours in connection with the illegal mining case on November 18, 2022.
The agency has requested the central security forces and State police to provide additional forces during the questioning session of CM Soren. At present, suspended IAS officer and former Deputy Commissioner of Ranchi Chhavi Ranjan including many businessmen and CM’s close aide have been arrested and sent to jail by ED in this case.