New Delhi: Chief Election Commissioner Sushil Chandra has asked the Chief Electoral Officers, CEOs to ensure purity of the electoral roll and availability of assured minimum facilities. He has also asked to ensure better facilities at all polling booths for all voters.
The Election Commission of India yesterday organized a Conference with the CEOs of all States and Union Territories in New Delhi. The conference was organized to discuss and review various issues related to electoral roll, polling stations among others.
In his address, Mr. Chandra stressed the
significance of effectiveness and visibility of CEOs, as CEOs represent the Commission in the states. He asked the CEOs for expeditious redressal of all pending applications especially with regard to voter registration. He reiterated that all efforts should be made to ensure a better voter experience in reality.
He added that the CEOs should have regular interactions with political parties to redress their grievances. He also emphasized that new initiatives and best practices by the CEOs for election-related activities should be regularly disseminated through media for enhanced outreach.