Islamabad High Court on Friday granted bail to former Prime Minister Imran Khan in Al-Qadir Trust case for 2 weeks. A day after Pakistan's Supreme Court termed former Prime Minister Imran Khan's arrest illegal, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) chief appeared before the Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Friday for pre-arrest bail amid tight security. Earlier in the day, the court also heard the matter related to the Toshakhana case and put a stay on it, giving a big relief to the former PM Khan.
Hearing the matter, the court issued an injunction against the former Prime Minister in the
According to reports, Khan is also expected to address a gathering as his party announced a rally on the occasion and asked followers to gather nearby the court. Earlier on May 9, Khan was arrested in the Al-Qadir Trust case following the National Accountability Bureau (NAB) order to probe him in the alleged corruption.
The IHC upheld his arrest but the Supreme Court, on Thursday, invalidated his incarceration declaring no one could be arrested from inside the court and ordered his release as it directed police to keep him in the Supreme Court’s protection and produce him before the high court.