At least six people died in an explosion at a firecracker factory near Sivakasi in Tamil Nadu on Thursday. More than ten sheds where chemicals had been stored were razed to the ground in the mishap, the second such incident this month in a cracker manufacturing unit in this region, the country's fireworks hub.
Confirming the news, Joint Director of Health Services, Virudhnagar, said that six people have been reported dead.
Earlier this month,
about 15 workers were killed and over 30 injured when an explosion ripped through a fireworks factory near Sattur in the southern district in Tamil Nadu. The explosion occurred when some chemicals were being mixed to produce fireworks at the unit in Acchankulam village.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Tamil Nadu Chief Minister K Palaniswami, Governor Banwarilal Purohit, Congress MP Rahul Gandhi and DMK President M K Stalin were among those who condoled the deaths.
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