Manipur Chief Minister, N. Biren Singh has announced that the famous Sirarakhong Chilli and Tamenglong Orange have now received the Geographical Index (GI) tag. He made the announcement while speaking at the inaugural function of the Van Dhan Vikas Kendra (VDVK) Mela, 2021, organised by the State Forest Department yesterday.
Prior to the inauguration of the fair, the Chief Minister also inaugurated a VDVK Outlet and Extension Centre at Forest Department Head Office, Sanjenthong, where products manufactured by different Vandhan Kendras
of the State are showcased and sold.
Addressing the gathering, Mr Biren Singh said that within a short span of time, Manipur has emerged as a model State for the scheme in the whole country. Manipur was conferred with five national awards during the first Van Dhan Annual Awards, 2020-21 at 34th Foundation Day celebration of TRIFED, Ministry of Tribal Affairs on August 8, 2021. Mr Biren Singh further stated that 41,908 women of 3320 SHGs had been benefited under the scheme in Manipur so far.