Union Home Minister Amit Shah on Wednesday took to Twitter and gave out a message to all who are trying to play a false propaganda against India amid the ongoing farmers protest and trying to mislead people. While farmers protest still continues in India, in a latest, American singer Rihanna, who has a huge following on Twitter, said why aren't we talking about this (farmers protest). Though the government reacted sharply saying a 'very small section of farmers in parts of India have some reservations about these (agri) reforms'.
Rihanna, Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg, American actress Amanda Cerni, US Vice President
Kamala Harris' niece Meena Harris and several other prominent people took to Twitter to lend their voices to the months-long farmers' protests against three newly enacted agri laws.
While many Bollywood celebs have also come forward to join #IndiaTogether #IndiaAgainstPropaganda on Twitter to shut India's critics, Home Minister Amit Shah also took to the micro-blogging site saying, "No propaganda can deter India's unity! No propaganda can stop India to attain new heights! Propaganda can not decide India’s fate only ‘Progress’ can. India stands united and together to achieve progress. #IndiaAgainstPropaganda #IndiaTogether."
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?