Bharatiya Kisan Union (BKU) leader Rakesh Tikait on Tuesday warned of blocking the Delhi-Noida border, amid the ongoing farm protest. Rakesh Tikait along with other farmer-leaders have been camping at Ghazipur border near Delhi for months now, demanding the repeal of new reforms in the agriculture sector.
The BKU spokesperson Rakesh Tikait said they will block the border
(Delhi-Noida border). The committee is yet to decide the date.
Earlier, before January 26 mayhem in Delhi, Chilla Border at Delhi-Noida crossing was blocked by other farmer unions. However, after January 26 violence in the national capital, some farmer leaders ended their protest and vacated the border, taking moral responsibility for the violence that took place during the tractor march.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?