Social activist Yogendra Yadav, an active participant in the ongoing farm stir, on Tuesday announced the blocking of an expressway on March 6 when the protest enters into Day 100. The Swaraj India chief said the decision to block the Kundli-Manesar-Palwal Expressway was taken at a meeting of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha on Tuesday. The blockade will go on for five hours.
Apart from this, the farmer leaders have finalised plans till March 15. On the occasion of International Womens' Day on March 8, women protesters will be brought to the front at all the protest sites, Yadav said.
"From March 5, MSP Dilao movement will start in
Karnataka, asking PM to ensure MSP for crops," he added.
Heading to poll-bound states, Swaraj said the farmers will appeal to people to "punish BJP and its allies who brought anti-farmer laws".
"We will go to the poll-bound states. This programme will begin in Kolkata on March 12 with a public meeting," he said.
Further, Yadav said that their meeting with 10 major trade unions had decided in-principle that farmers and labourers will fight this battle together. "On March 15, labourers & employees will take to streets across the country against privatisation and corporatization. Farmers will join them," he said.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?