Days after tractor parade violence in Delhi, Punjab Chief Minister Amarinder Singh on Friday said that the farmers movement has been discredited after January 26 violence in the national capital. After the R-Day chaos, farmers protest has lost its credibility and direction, he said
"I do think that the movement has been discredited. The whole world was supporting the farmers. But the moment the violence came, and the symbol of the Red Fort was violated, was when the movement lost steam," Amarinder Singh said.
"I think that the government should continue its contact with the farmers and the farmers must go to the meetings. This must be resolved. It
cannot continue like this," he added.
"It isn't for me to put the blame on any person or agency. But one thing must be understood, the government in power must take responsibility and that government is currently of BJP. They must own up to this fact and look into why they couldn't understand the movement's nature," Punjab CM said.
The tractor parade January 26 that was to highlight the demands of the farmer unions to repeal three new agri laws dissolved into anarchy on the streets of Delhi as tens of thousands of protesters broke through barriers, fought with police, overturned vehicles and hoisted a religious flag from the ramparts of the iconic Red Fort.
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