West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Thursday hit back at Union Home Minister Amit Shah on his “Didi-Bhaipo” jibe, challenging him to first contest against her nephew and TMC leader Abhishek Banerjee in an election, and then ‘think of fighting’ her.
Addressing a rally in Pailan in South 24 Parganas shortly after Amit Shah launched the BJP’s fifth ‘Parivartan Yatra’ in the same district, Banerjee said Abhishek is an elected representative of the people. She said Abhishek could have taken the easy route of becoming an MP
by choosing to be a Rajya Sabha member, but chose to fight the Lok Sabha election and got the people’s mandate.
“Day and night they are talking about Didi-Bhatija. I challenge Amit Shah, contest against Abhishek Banerjee first and then me,” she said, amid loud cheers from TMC supporters.
Further, in a direct attack on the Union minister, she asked: “How come your son became a part of the cricket administration and made hundreds of crores of rupees?”
Mamata also challenged Amit Shah to get his son into politics.
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