In Jammu and Kashmir, five terrorists were killed during the past 24 hours in three separate encounters with security forces. Four terrorists were gunned down in two separate gunfights in Pulwama and Kulgam districts, while one of the longest surviving terrorist of Hizbul Mujahideen was killed in an encounter in Handwara area of Kupwara district.
Inspector General of Police Kashmir range, Vijay Kumar said that in an encounter
at Puchal area of Pulwama district, two unidentified terrorists were killed in an overnight joint operation. He said, two terrorists killed by security forces in Zodar area of Kulgam district belong to Lashkar-e-Toiba.
He said one of the longest surviving terrorists of Hizbul Mujahideen was killed in an encounter in Handwara area of Kupwara district yesterday morning.