Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister Kamal Nath on Friday questioned the Central Government over its claim of conducting a surgical strike across the border into Pakistan and demanded that proof regarding the operation should be presented before the people.
When asked if he thought the strike was fake, the Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister quickly stated he is proud of the Indian Armed Forces and added the forces do not conduct fake operations.
"When 90,000 Pakistani soldiers surrendered
during Indira Gandhi's tenure, people saw it. The BJP claims to carry out a surgical strike. Which surgical strike? It was the media that was making noise about the surgical strike. Tell the country about it clearly," he said.
"The army and the Air Force do not conduct fake operations. But provide information about the strike," he added.
The Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister's comments came after he offered prayers to Lord Shiva at Patalleshwar temple in Chhindwara.