Former Chief Minister of Punjab and Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) veteran Parkash Singh Badal passed away at 95 at a private hospital in Mohali, the Party sources informed. He breathed his last at around 8 PM. As per the news reports, Badal was hospitalised for the past few days and suffering from breathing issues. He is survived by a son and SAD chief Sukhbir Singh Badal and a daughter Parneet Kaur.
The dead body of 95-year-old Badal will be brought to the party office in Sector 28 Chandigarh tomorrow morning nearly at 10. His last journey will start from Chandigarh and will go to Badal village. The last rites will be held at Badal village on April 27 at 1
Badal was admitted to Mohali's Fortis Hospital over a week ago after he complained of uneasiness in breathing.
The former Punjab Chief Minister breathed his last around 8 pm, hospital officials told PTI.
Badal was in the intensive care unit of the hospital where doctors had been closely monitoring his health condition. Sources in the party confirmed to PTI that the senior leader has died.
Parkash Singh Badal served as the Chief Minister of Punjab multiple times. He was the CM from 1970-1971, from 1977-1980, from 1997-2002, and from 2007-2017. He was also the youngest Chief Minister to have ever held office in the state of Punjab, reported ANI.