Former Haryana Chief Minister Om Prakash Chautala was cremated on Saturday with state honours. Five-time Chief Minister, Chautala, died in Gurugram on Friday at the age of 89. Cremation rituals were held in Teja Khera village in his native Sirsa district. Vice President Jagdeep Dhankhar, Union Minister Manohar Lal Khattar, Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini, Shiromani Akali Dal leader
Sukhbir Singh Badal were among prominent personalities who reached Teja Khera to attend the last rites of the departed leader.
OP Chautala is survived by two sons and three daughters. His wife, Sneh Lata, passed away over five years ago. The funeral pyre was lit by Chautala's sons Ajay and Abhay in the presence of other family members amid chants of Vedic hymns by priests.