Varanasi: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will address One World TB Summit at Varanasi in Uttar Pradesh today. During his one-day visit to his parliamentary constituency, Mr. Modi will also dedicate and lay the foundation stone of various projects worth more than 1,780 crore rupees on the occasion.
The Prime Minister will also lay the foundation stone of the Passenger Ropeway from Varanasi Cantt station to Godowlia. This will be a unique facility for the pilgrims. India will be the third country in the world and Varanasi the first city after Bolivia and Mexico where the ropeway is used for public transport. The cost of the project is estimated to be around 645 crore
The ropeway system will be 3.75 km in length. The ropeway will start from Varanasi Cantt station and there will be five stations, including Cantt Railway Station, Kashi Vidyapeeth, Rath Yatra, Church, and Godowlia. This will facilitate ease of movement for the tourists, pilgrims, and residents of Varanasi.
The total distance will be covered in 16 minutes. About 150 trolley cars will run from a height of about 50 meters. A trolley, that can carry 10 passengers, will be available to the passengers at an interval every two minutes. About 3,000 people will be able to travel in one direction in an hour