Railway Minister Piyush Goyal has said that a fresh survey of Jagadhari-Paonta Sahib new railway line would be conducted with a focus on freight expected from industrial area Paonta Sahib very soon.
Addressing a press conference in Shimla yesterday, the Minister said, study would also be carried out by RDSO to examine if Kalka-Shimla track could be strengthened to improve the speed of the trains plying on this track.
He stated that new Coaches of Kalka-Shimla Railway would be designed and manufactured to enhance the tourism experience.
Union Railways Minister said, a budget
allocation of 770 crore rupees has been made for infrastructure projects and safety works in the state in the budget for the year 2021-22. He said that this was 613 per cent more than the average allocation during the period 2009-2014.
Union Minister said that steps are also taken to expedite work on Bhanupalli-Beri and Chandigarh railway lines.
He said that the Chandigarh-Baddi railway line would go a long way in giving boost to industrial activities as the industrialists would be able to easily transport raw material as well as manufactured products in various destinations.