The Narcotics Control Bureau (NCB) on Saturday (October 2) busted a rave party in Mumbai and arrested eight persons, including Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan's son Aryan Khan. During the raid at the rave party, the NCB recovered drugs worth several lakh rupees from the attendees, including Aryan Khan. As per reports, the NCB officers seized drugs from a contact lens case owned by Aryan Khan, who was arrested on Sunday after hours of questioning by NCB officials.

According to the NCB, Aryan Khan was carrying drugs in his contact lens case. He was arrested by the NCB on October 3 under four sections of the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act (NDPS). Aryan was remanded to custody till October 4 by a court on Sunday.

Aryan Khan’s contact

lens box was not the most unlikely place the NCB recovered drugs from as the NCB officials found drugs stashed away in other, usually unsuspicious, objects being carried by the attendees of the rave party in Mumbai. NCB reported that drugs were recovered from sanitary pads, medicine boxes, and other personal belongings of the attendees of the party. Some attendees were even able to conceal the drugs conspicuously in their shirt collars. 

The agency arrested a total of eight people from the rave party, including SRK’s son Aryan Khan. The 23-year-old star kid signed the memo of his arrest, stating that he understood the grounds of his arrest and has informed his family of the same. The NCB recovered several illegal drugs, including charas, MDMA, and cocaine during the raid.

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