Fugitive businessman Mehul Choksi, who is wanted in the Rs 13,500 crore PNB scam and had gone missing for some days in Antigua and Barbuda, has been traced in Dominica and been arrested by the local police there.
The Antigua Police has contacted the police in Dominica to seek his custody. Mehul Choksi was traced in Dominica after a 'yellow cornor' notice was issued by the Interpol.
Mehul Choksi had been staying in Antigua and Barbuda
since January 2018. He and his nephew Nirav Modi are wanted for allegedly siphoning Rs 13,500 crore of public money from the state-run Punjab National Bank (PNB) using letters of undertaking.
While Nirav Modi is in a London prison after being repeatedly denied bail and is contesting his extradition to India, Mehul Choksi took citizenship of Antigua and Barbuda in 2017 using the Citizenship by Investment programme before fleeing India in the first week of January 2018.