Mumbai: The 3rd Energy Transitions Working Group - ETWG Meeting under India’s G20 Presidency will be held in Mumbai from 15th to 17th May. Union Minister of State for Coal and Mines, Mr. Raosaheb Danve will deliver the Special Address on the opening day of the meeting.
The discussions and deliberations will focus on six priority areas namely energy transition through addressing technology gaps, low-cost financing for energy transition, energy security, energy efficiency, industrial low carbon transitions, and
responsible consumption, Fuels for Future, and universal access to clean energy.
The meeting will be complemented by eight side events, including workshops and seminars on subjects related to energy efficiency, clean energy, and decarbonization. Over 100 delegates representing G20 member countries, special invitee countries, and international organizations such as International Energy Agency, Word Bank, and World Energy Council India are expected to attend the meeting.