Uttarakhand Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat, along with former Chief Minister and presently MP from Pauri Garhwal Major Gen(retd) Bhuvan Chandra Khanduri and Army chief Bipin Rawat inaugurated the Garhwal rifle war memorial hostel for boys and girls at Daanda Lakhaund, Dehradun yesterday. The hostel has the facility of food, bus service for the students from hostel, audio-video room, library, medical service, tuition facility, coaching facility for professional courses. It can accommodate 250
On this occasion, Army Chief General Bipin Rawat said that with the construction of the hostel, the Jawans with Sena medals will not have to go elsewhere for the education of their children. He thanked Uttarakhand government and Garhwal Rifles for their support in construction of the hostel.
Addressing the gathering, Chief Minister Trivendra Singh Rawat said that the children of servicemen from remote regions of the state will get a better environment for education in the hostel.