Gautam Adani, the Chairman of the Adani Group along with his wife Priti Adani made a heartfelt visit to the Maha Kumbh Mela in Uttar Pradesh’s Prayagraj on Tuesday, to participate in the ‘Ganga Puja’ and ‘Mahaprasad Seva’.
Gautam Adani immersed himself in the sacred rituals of Maha Kumbh, the world’s largest religious gathering and offered prayers. The billionaire also participated in a host of
rituals at the Mela ground, including preparation of the Mahaprasad (sacred meal) and distributing it to the Kumbh pilgrims.
After offering prayers, Gautam Adani was also seen eating prasad along with his family members. As Gautam Adani along with his wife reached the ISKCON tent in Sector 18 this morning, they were welcomed with garlands and greeted with the outpouring of warmth from hundreds of devotees.