Union Minister Alphons Kannanthanam has said there were people willing to get naked before the white man" to procure an American visa but cry privacy when basic details have to be shared with their own government.
He was responding to those who are questioning the government's Aadhaar programme during a special address at the valedictory session of the Global Digital organised by the Kerala government.
The minister of state for electronics and information technology also assured that information collected under Aadhaar was safe and secure and claimed that media reports about data breaches were
Taking a jibe at Aadhaar critics, Kannanthanam said ten pages of information which you have never even confessed to your wife ever, or to your husband, have to be passed on to a white man to get an American visa.
He claimed the attitude of many people changed sharply when their own government sought basic information.The Minister said, the fingerprint details and the data related to iris, was something which is in the UIDAI repository. He added that not one case has come up in the past three-and-a-half years that the bio-metric data of any Aadhaar holder has been leaked in India.