New Delhi: The government has selected one lakh 40 thousand pilgrims to perform Haj this year through the Random Digital Selection process. Minority Affairs Ministry said, out of the total selected pilgrims, over ten thousand persons are of above 70 years of age. The government has received a total of one lakh 84 thousand applications.
The Ministry said, a quota of over one lakh 75 thousand pilgrims has been allotted to India this year. Nearly 35 thousand quotas of Haj pilgrimage have been given to the private operators. Medical insurance has been mandatory for all pilgrims to ensure health and protection from any mishap. The largest-ever contingent of over four thousand ladies without Mehram will undertake Haj pilgrimage.
Saudi Arabia hosts around 25 lakh to
30 lakh Haj pilgrims from across the globe each year to visit Makkah. India sends the third largest contingent of pilgrims in the world. Minority Affairs Ministry has taken several initiatives to make Haj pilgrimage more comfortable, convenient and affordable for Indian pilgrims. For the first time, Haj package costs have been reduced by around 50 thousand rupees under the new Haj Policy.
The Ministry has collaborated with State Bank of India to provide a cashless facility to Haj Pilgrims during Haj. The Bank will provide FOREX cards to all the pilgrims, which will eliminate the possibility of theft or loss of physical currency. In case this card is lost during the pilgrimage, the pilgrim can get his money refunded from the bank.