Bhopal: In Madhya Pradesh, Governor Mangubhai Patel inaugurated the third Divya Kala Mela at Bhopal in the presence of Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Dr Virendra Kumar and Minister of State Kumari Pratima Bhowmik. Governor Patel, while inaugurating the 10-day fair, stated that this is a great chance to enable Divyangjan to become entrepreneurs and artisans.
On this occasion, Union Minister for Social Justice and Empowerment Virendra Kumar said the government is aiming to achieve holistic and all-round development so that the disabled can participate equally in this process.
The four finance corporations under the ministry, NHFDC, through
various channel partners such as NBCFDC, NSFDC, and NSKDFC, provide financial assistance to artisans and other skilled beneficiaries through term loan schemes and microfinance schemes.
Speaking at the event, Pratima Bhowmik, Minister of State for Social Justice and Empowerment, stated that the involvement of all parts of society is vital for the country's overall growth, and all should work together for the welfare of the disabled.
Goods from across the country, including food items, are exhibited at the fair. Organised by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, this divine art fair will run till 21 March.