New Delhi: Union Cabinet has approved continuation of National Apprenticeship Training Scheme for next five years. The cabinet chaired by the Prime Minister Narendra Modi yesterday accorded its approval for stipendiary support of three thousand 54 crore rupees to apprentices who undergo apprenticeship training under National Apprenticeship Training Scheme for the period from 2021-22 to 2025-26. Approximately nine lakhs apprentices will be trained by industry and commercial organisations.
The scheme is a well-established scheme of Government of India which has demonstrated to enhance the employability of students who have
successfully completed the apprenticeship training. The apprentices who have completed graduate and diploma programme in Engineering, Humanities, Science and Commerce will be given stipend of nine thousand and eight thousand rupees per month respectively.
The Government has approved an expenditure of more than three thousand crore rupees during the next five years which is about 4.5 times the expenditure made during the previous five years. This increased expenditure on apprenticeship is in line with the thrust which National Education Policy 2020 has given to apprenticeship.