Saturday saw another round of hectic parleys between farmers` leaders and the Union government at the Vigyan Bhawan in New Delhi. The farmers` unions stuck to their demand that the government must rollback the three farm laws and have given a call for `Bharat Bandh` on December 8. They have threatened to intensify their agitation and block more roads leading to Delhi if the government refuses to accept their demands. The two sides have however agreed to meet again on December 9 for another round of talks after the government asked for some more time to come up with a concrete proposal.
MSP will continue, no threat to it: Agri minister Narendra Tomar
Speaking to the media after meeting with farmers` leaders, Union agriculture
minister said, "We have said the MSP will continue. There is no threat to it. It is baseless to doubt this. Still, if someone is suspicious then the government is ready to resolve it." On the farmers` unions` call for a Bharat Bandh on December 8, the minister said while he does "not like to comment on program of unions", he would like to "urge farmers to leave path of agitation and come to path of discussion".
"We have told farmers that the government will consider all their aspects. It would`ve been easier for us to find a solution if we get suggestions from farmers` leaders. We request farmers` unions to send elderly and children back home in wake of Covid-19 pandemic and cold weather," Union Agriculture Minister Narendra Tomar said.
Do you think AAP will perform better in Delhi polls without alliance?