New Delhi: Civil Aviation Minister Jyotiraditya Scindia said that the government has doubled the number of Airports over the last eight years from 74 in 2014 to 148 Airports. Mr Scindia was addressing the CAPA India’s Aviation Summit 2023 in New Delhi on Monday. He said, the number of domestic passengers has more than doubled in six years from 2014 to 2020. The Minister said, India will have more than 140 million passengers in 2024 alone.
Speaking about the
scope of exponential growth the Minister said, India is the third largest domestic market in the world in terms of seat capacity, but in terms of international seat capacity, India is still ranked at the 18th position.
He said, the government has been taking unprecedented steps to create capacities, remove bottlenecks and simplify processes so that the nation can have the requisite aviation infrastructure in place.