Based on the Unlock 5.0 Guidelines of Home Ministry and after taking into consideration, suggestions received from various stakeholders in the creative industry, Ministry of Culture yesterday issued detailed SOPs for Cultural Functions and Programs on preventive measures to contain spread of COVID-19.
These guidelines contain Standard Operating Procedures to be followed by the management of theatres and performance spaces, as well as the entertainment or creative agencies, artists and crew or any other persons who hire the auditoria or any other open or closed performance spaces, whether on payment or gratis. Comprehensive guidelines have been issued for Artists and Crew, management of Green Rooms, Stage management, Costume and make up
trials, Sanitization of venue including stage, Open area seating etc.
The Ministry clarified that cultural activities shall continue to be prohibited inside containment zones. Further, State and UT Govts may consider proposing additional measures as per their field assessment.
It said, the National Directives for COVID-19 Management and the relevant guidelines issued by Home Ministry, Health Ministry, State and UT Governments, etc. shall be strictly complied with during all activities and operations. The Ministry said, COVID -19 pandemic has hit the cultural and creative economy all ever the world. It said, however, cultural activities are slowly being resumed.