New Delhi: Raksha Mantri Rajnath Singh on Monday said the government is making all efforts to modernize the Armed Forces with state-of-the-art weaponry and the best training, to protect the country from all future challenges. He said this during his message to soldiers through Akashvani on the eve of 77th Independence Day. He added that the Armed Forces can give their best only when they are provided with the best equipment and training.
Raksha Mantri said that the Armed Forces are being trained with simulators and other modern techniques and their capabilities are being enhanced through several exercises with friendly countries across the globe.
He stressed that training on niche systems, newly developing technologies and changing concepts of warfare is the need of the hour. He added that necessary steps are being taken to train a large number of personnel within the country as well as abroad to provide them the best training.
Highlighting various welfare measures taken
for the veterans in recent years, the Raksha Mantri said special attention is being paid to ensure a dignified life for the soldiers not only during service but even after retirement. Mr Singh pointed out that the long-pending demand of the Armed Forces for the One Rank One Pension scheme was fulfilled by the Government as soon as it came to power in 2014.
The scheme has been revised this year and an amount of 8,413 crore rupees has been paid to more than 17 lakh pensioners.
On the growing role of women in the Armed Forces, the Raksha Mantri said, several concrete steps have been taken to make the military an equitable and a better working place for women. He said the Indian Army has inducted women officers into the Artillery Regiment for the first time this year. He pointed out that the commissioning of women officers in the Artillery Regiment is a great testimony to the steps being taken by the government towards gender equality in the Army.