Prime Minister Narendra Modi has said, the government has received tremendous support in its efforts to curb black money and fight corruption. He was speaking at the Rising India Summit organised by a private TV channel in New Delhi last evening. Mr Modi said, due to the support and inspiration of the people, the government has succeeded in taking and executing bold steps. He said, there is a transformational shift in the country because of the people and their will to dream.
The Prime Minister said, in his opinion, Rising India means rising the confidence of 125 crore people of the country. He said, Rising India evokes the thought of light through the darkness. Mr Modi also envisaged the role of northeast towards Rising India.
The Prime Minister also said, Swachh Bharat Mission has now become people's movement. He also highlighted the Ujjwala scheme which has changed the lives of crores of people.
Mr Modi reiterated the government's commitment to make health care affordable and accessible to all. He said, in this year's budget, the government announced the Ayushman Bharat Scheme under which wellness centres will be set-up and a medical insurance coverage of 5 lakh rupees will be provided to 10 crore families.
The Prime Minister
asserted that the government has planned to invest one lakh crore rupees to improve the education system in the country.Mr Modi said, India is performing well on all macroeconomic factors. He said, the power sector is undergoing several transformational changes to fight power shortage, adding that 16,000 crore rupees are being spent on electrification projects. The Prime Minister also said, the government has given nearly 5 lakh crore rupees loans to the poor without guarantee.
Mr Modi said, India is spearheading a solar revolution in the world, adding that in the last 4 years, India has contributed massively to the world economy. He said, the motto of Sabka Saath, Sabka Vikas is not just restricted to India but covers the world. The Prime Minister also said, India helped 48 countries during the crisis in Yemen.
Mr Modi said, Rising India means the rising of pride of over 1.25 billion Indians. He said, isolation to integration is the only way to Rising India.
The Prime Minister said, the government is working at a fast pace on its resolve to 'Act Fast for the North East'. He said, the government is ensuring that the projects pending for long are completed so that people and the states facing the imbalance with regard to development are benefited.