New Delhi: Union Minister Jitendra Singh has said that the government will set up 75 Science Technology and Innovation (STI) Hubs in different parts of the country. These hubs will be exclusively for Scheduled Castes (SCs) and Scheduled Tribes (STs) and will not only promote scientific talent, but also contribute to socio-economic development of these communities.
After a high level review meeting with senior officials of the Department of Science and Technology (DST) in New Delhi, Dr Jitendra Singh said, in the last two years, 20 STI
Hubs have already been established which will directly benefit 20 thousand SC and ST population through various interventions.
Dr Singh said, the decision has been taken in tune with Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s vision and resolve to handhold the weaker sections and raise them at par with other sections of society. He said that STI Hubs will develop, nurture and ensure the delivery of appropriate and relevant technologies for creation of sustainable livelihoods for the SC and ST population.