Gandhinagar: The Gujarat State Assembly on Wednesday (13 September 2023) unanimously passed the Gujarat Goods and Service Tax Amendment Bill. Presenting the Bill to the Assembly, State Finance Minister Kanubhai Desai said the amendment seeks to impose a 28 per cent GST tax on the full face value of bets in online gaming, casinos, and horse racing. He said the amendments have been introduced as per the recommendations of the GST council.
Mr. Desai informed the house that the amendments have been made as a step to
regulate online gaming and curtail the ill effects of online gaming on the youth.
As per the Bill, the actionable claims supplied in casinos, horse racing, lottery, and online gaming will be subject to a 28 per cent GST tax. The Bill also seeks to set up appellate authority at the State level for the appeals related to GST.
The Opposition opposed the Bill saying that the Bill will encourage online betting in the State.