Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Sunday tested negative for Covid-19, his office said. Rupani (64) had tested positive for Covid on February 15, a day after he fainted on a stage during campaigning for civic polls in the Nizampura area of Vadodara.
According to a statement issued by the Chief Minister's Office on Sunday, he "tested negative for Covid-19 in the RT-PCR test done
Since then, he was undergoing treatment at the UN Mehta Heart Hospital in Ahmedabad.
CM Rupani, in his first virtual appearance after being diagnosed with Covid-19, took to Twitter and appealed to the people of Gujarat to vote for BJP in the elections to six municipal corporations in Gujarat on February 21.
Other municipalities, districts, and taluka panchayats will be held on February 28.
Which political party will win the Delhi Assembly polls to be held on Feb 5?