In Gujarat, the state government yesterday announced a 27 percent reservation for Other Backward Classes (OBCs) in local bodies like panchayats, municipalities, and civic corporations. Briefing media in Gandhinagar, minister and government spokesperson Rushikesh Patel said the decision was taken based on the basis of the Jhaveri Commission report.
After the announcement, seats in panchayats municipalities and municipal corporations will be kept reserved for OBC candidates in 27 percent proportion when
elections are held. However, in the PESA-notified areas, the reservation for OBCs will continue to be 10 percent to protect the interest of tribals.
The minister added that the existing quota for Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes will remain unchanged and there has been no breach of the 50 percent reservation ceiling. This decision will pave the way for holding of local body polls in the state which were postponed due to the pending OBC quota issue.