In Gujarat, the State Government has asked all those involved in commercial activities to get vaccinated before 31st of July. Deputy Chief Minister and Health Minister Nitin Patel said, a Special Vaccination Drive will be organized on coming Sunday for the owners and staffers of all the commercial entities operating in the state.
According to State Health Department, more than 3.1 crore people in the state have been vaccinated so far. In a Cabinet meeting held yesterday, the government made it compulsory for all those involved in commerce, trade, business in the state and come in contact with the public to get vaccinated before
31st of July.
Deputy Chief Minister Nitin Patel said, a Special Vaccination Drive will be organized across all the 1,800 Vaccination Centres in the state on coming Sunday for this purpose.
Mr Patel said, under the current vaccination campaign, more than three lakh beneficiaries are being administered COVID vaccines on a daily basis. As many as two crore 31 lakh people in the state have received the first dose of COVID vaccine till yesterday. Meanwhile, the state recorded 34 new cases of COVID-19 and zero deaths in the last 24 hours.