Gujarat government has extended the night curfew with other restrictions in 36 cities and towns of the state. Now, the 8 pm to 6 am night curfews will remain effective till 18th May. All industries, factories, production units, construction work and essential services will remain open.
Despite the declining of new cases of Covid19 in the state since last 2 weeks, Gujarat government has decided to continue night curfew and other restrictions till 18th May. This was decided in a State Core Committee meeting
Chaired by the Chief Minister Vijay Rupani in Gandhingar yesterday.
Mr. Rupani also appealed the people to strictly follow the Covid19 guidelines including compulsory mask and social distancing. He said that extension of night curfew and other restrictions in 36 cities and towns are necessary to prevent the spread of Covid19 infection. All political, social, religious, cultural, educational functions and gatherings will remain closed during this period.