In Gujarat, week-long celebrations will be organized under strict Covid 19 guidelines next month to mark the completion of Chief Minister Vijay Rupani’s five years in office. As per an Official release, August 1 will be celebrated as “Gyanshakti Diwas”, during which the education-related programmes will be organsied, while “Samvedna Diwas” will be observed on August 2, when the state will help citizens get necessary forms and documents related to various government schemes. Women-centric events will be held on August 4, which will be celebrated as “Nari
Gaurav Diwas”, various events will be held for farmers on “Kisan Sanman Diwas” on August 5.
The state government will organise job fairs and other events aimed at providing employment to the youth on August 6, while the next two days will be celebrated as “Vikas Diwas” and “Shaheri Jan Sukhakari Diwas” to strengthen urban infrastructure and amenities. Since August 9 is celebrated as Adivasi Diwas in the country, developmental programmes will be held in tribal areas of the state on that day.