Gujarat High Court has announced that it is launching live streaming of court proceedings of all "willing benches" of the court from 17th July. Thus, it will become the first high court in the country to allow public viewing of the proceedings virtually.
Earlier, the high court had started live streaming of proceedings of the first court, headed by the chief justice, on YouTube channel for public viewing in October 2020. Following the success of the live streaming experiment, the Gujarat High Court has taken this initiative for the rest of the willing Benches. The live streaming rules were framed and approved by the Full Court of the High Court on 20th June.
Justice of India NV Ramana will inaugurate the live streaming of the Gujarat High court proceedings at a virtual function. The chief justice will also release “The High Court of Gujarat (Live Streaming of Court Proceedings) Rules, 2021”.
The first court, headed by Chief Justice Vikram Nath, of the Gujarat High Court, started the live telecast of all hearings on an experimental basis from 26th October, 2020 on You-tube through the official channel of the High Court. This is running successfully since last eight months. 41 lakh views received with more than 65,000 subscribers by the official YouTube channel of the high court till now.