Ahmedabad: Gujarat government will launch “Aap Ke Dwar - Ayushman'' mega drive from 23rd of this month. This was announced by the state health Minister Rushikesh Patel last evening. Talking to media persons after visiting the Ahmedabad Civil Hospital, he said that 80 lakhs families will be covered under this drive to enroll them for Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana - PMJAY & Ma Card scheme of the state government.
Gujarat Health
Minister Rushikesh Patel has said that more than 75 thousand RTPCR and Rapid Antigen tests are being conducted daily to check the Covid19 cases in the state. Gujarat has recorded 8 new cases of Covid19 yesterday. 15 patients have been recovered and discharged from the various hospitals. Gujarat has 136 active cases at present. Meanwhile, more than 2 lakh 52 thousand people have been vaccinated in the state yesterday.