Uttarakhand Police has arrested Abdul Moid, the son of Abdul Malik, the alleged mastermind in the Haldwani violence, from Delhi, officials said on Thursday (February 29). With the arrest of Moid who is a key accused in the case, the total number of arrests in connection with the February 8 violence increased to 84, they added. Stone pelting and arson had taken place in the Banbhoolpura area of the town earlier this month after an illegal mosque was razed by the authorities.

His father Abdul Malik owned the "illegal" madrassa whose demolition sparked violence in the town prompting authorities to impose a curfew that was lifted entirely after 12 days of gradual relaxation.

Malik, the alleged mastermind, was arrested on February 24, over two weeks after violence broke out in the area leaving six people dead, and over 100 injured, including police personnel and


A look out notice was issued earlier against the father-son duo and a massive manhunt launched to nab them.

Their properties in the town were also attached earlier.

Malik had vehemently opposed the administration's action and his wife Safia had gone to the court challenging the Municipal Corporation notice for its demolition.

However, the court did not grant them immediate relief and the structure was demolished, triggering incidents of stone-pelting and arson in the Muslim-dominated Banbhoolpura area.

Apart from the three FIRs lodged initially, a fresh case was registered by the police against six persons including Malik and his wife Safia charging them with criminal conspiracy and fraudulently using a dead man's name for illegal plotting, construction and transfer of land, the police had said.
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