Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal will launch integrated Water Resources Action Plan-2023-25 under Amrit Jal Kranti today at Chandigarh, which will be a bold step towards conserving water resources.
An official spokesperson said that on the initiative of the Chief Minister, a two-day water conservation seminar was organized in Panchkula on 26-27th April, this year under Amrit Jal Kranti, in which many departments of Haryana, including experts from India and abroad doing research on water conservation
He said that based on the various suggestions received in the seminar, an action plan has been prepared by all the departments for water conservation.
The spokesman said, Chief Minister Manohar Lal in the past has taken several initiatives towards water conservation which have drawn significant results. Under his guidance, the concept of Mera Pani-Meri Virasat Yojana was effectively implemented which is being highly acknowledged by the other states.