Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Saini took a sip of water from the Yamuna River in Delhi's Palla village amid political outrage triggered after AAP national convenor Arvind Kejriwal's claim that the Haryana government has poisoned Yamuna water, flowing to Delhi ahead of the elections. Saini's dramatic move to drink Yamuna water is seen as a counter to Kejriwal's sensational claim which has not only political ramifications but social as well.
"Haryana Chief Minister Naib Singh Saini pretended to drink Yamuna water. He drank and then spat the same water back into the Yamuna. When I said that Yamuna water could be dangerous for the lives of Delhiites due to ammonia contamination, they threatened to file an FIR against me. They want to make the people of Delhi drink the same poisonous water which they themselves cannot drink. I will never let this happen," the AAP chief said in a post on
Meanwhile, Haryana Revenue and Disaster Management Minister Vipul Goel on Wednesday said the state government will get a case registered against Kejriwal over his "poison in Yamuna" remark, which he dubbed an irresponsible statement aimed at spreading panic among people.
"Kejriwal has made an irresponsible statement spreading panic among the people of Delhi and Haryana. Haryana government is going to get a case registered against him before CJM Court in Sonipat under the Disaster Management Act's Sections 2 (D) and 54," Goel told reporters here.
The provision which Goel referred to regarding the Act pertains to anyone making or circulating a false alarm or warning as to disaster or its severity or magnitude, leading to panic.
Hitting out at the former Delhi chief minister, Goel accused him of speaking "such a big lie".