Chandigarh: Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said the state has asked the Centre that only the area up to 100 km should be kept in National Capital Region (NCR) radius and the area beyond will be developed by the state on its own level.
“When the NCR was formed, people thought that they would get a lot of facilities, but the facilities are not as per their expectations,” an official statement quoting the Chief Minister said.
In this regard, he has suggested to the Central government that only the area up to 100 km should be kept in the NCR.
The Chief Minister said in Karnal on Saturday that the state government will
develop the rest of the area on its own level.
At a public hearing programme, he said such programmes were halted due to the Covid-19, but they have been resumed again.
About 700 people collectively put forward 300 issues in total, out of which directions were given to the officers concerned on the spot to resolve most of them.
The Chief Minister said the BJP-JJP coalition government is working with strength. He said the Central government is forming a committee on the minimum support price (MSP), in which farmers, economists, agricultural scientists, representatives of the Central and state governments will be part of the committee.