Chennai: The Madras High Court on Monday refused immediate relief to Karti Chidambaram and his wife Srinidi against prosecution proceedings for the alleged non-disclosure of Rs 6.38 crore.
They had filed a plea in the High Court seeking stalling of the proceedings in a special court constituted to hear cases related to MPs and MLAs.
The special court is scheduled to take up the case with regard to the non-disclosure of assets on Tuesday.
The counsels for Karti Chidambaram, an MP and the son of
former Union minister P Chidambaram, on Monday morning brought the matter to the notice of Chief Justice AP Sahi, who directed the plea to be heard by Justice M Sundar.
Later, Justice M Sundar said some clarifications were required pertaining to the case and ordered that it be listed as per procedures through the regular list.
With no interim injunction granted in the case by the Madras High Court, the special court is expected to hear the case on Tuesday.