Union Health and Family Welfare Minister Jagat Prakash Nadda will launch a 100-day intensified campaign today in Haryana’s Panchkula to address the challenges of tuberculosis (TB) incidence and mortality across the country. The Chief Minister of Haryana and the Health Minister of Haryana, Arti Singh Rao, will also be present at the event.
The initiative will be implemented across 347 districts in 33 states and union territories. It aligns with the vision of a TB-Mukt Bharat laid out by Prime Minister Narendra Modi at the 2018 Delhi End TB Summit. Since then, critical initiatives have been launched by the programme to strengthen prevention, diagnostic, and treatment services across the country.
The 100-day campaign aims to improve programme performance on key output
indicators such as TB incidence rates, diagnostic coverage, and mortality rates. Some of the key focus areas of the campaign are increasing access to advanced diagnostics, targeted screening among vulnerable groups, specialized care for high-risk individuals, and provision of expanded nutritional support.
This campaign underscores the government’s commitment to achieving the goal of end-TB by addressing the challenges of TB notification and mortality in India under the National TB Elimination Programme (NTEP) of the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The event is expected to garner attendance of other government dignitaries, officials from the Union Health Ministry, the Haryana state government, and representatives from the civil society.