New Delhi: Under the Ayushman Bharat scheme, 10 crore families have been covered in the country. Minister of Health and Family Welfare Mansukh Mandaviya yesterday informed the Lok Sabha that now 50 crore people are eligible for free treatment of up to an amount of Five lakh rupees under the scheme.
The Minister said the Ayushman Bharat scheme is Five times bigger than much hyped Obama Care the health cover of the USA. Replying to a supplementary question, Mr. Mandaviya said in the House, the Government is promoting a favourable environment for organ donation. He said, for the accessible organ transplantation, the Government has taken several initiatives.
Ayushman Bharat, a
flagship scheme of Government of India, was launched as recommended by the National Health Policy 2017, to achieve the vision of Universal Health Coverage (UHC). This initiative has been designed to meet Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and its underlining commitment, which is to leave no one behind.
Ayushman Bharat is an attempt to move from sectoral and segmented approach of health service delivery to a comprehensive need-based health care service. This scheme aims to undertake path breaking interventions to holistically address the healthcare system at the primary, secondary and tertiary level, by adopting a continuum of care approach.