In Gujarat, a high-level meeting was held in Gandhinagar yesterday to review the flood situation in the State. The Health Minister Rushikesh Patel reviewed the steps taken by the district administration in the seven rain-affected districts including Narmada and Bharuch yesterday through video conferencing. Mr Patel said that ten teams of NDRF and SDRF each have been deployed in the affected districts whereas five teams of NDRF have been kept on stand-by to tackle any unforeseen situation.
More than 12 thousand people living in low-lying areas of
River Narmada have been evacuated while more than 800 have been rescued to safer locations to date. Talking to the media, State Relief Commissioner Alok Kumar Pandey said, the water level in the Narmada River is slowly decreasing. He said, no casualty has been reported so far.
Meanwhile, IMD has predicted heavy to very heavy rainfall in districts such as Patan, Kutch, and Morbi while parts of Saurashtra and South Gujarat are also likely to receive heavy rains today.